Where a POPIA complaint or a POPIA infringement investigation has been finalised, CapeSoft Eco Time may recommend any appropriate administrative, legal and/or disciplinary action to be taken against any employee reasonably suspected of being implicated in any non-compliant activity outlined within this policy.
In the case of ignorance or minor negligence, CapeSoft Eco Time will undertake to provide further awareness training to the employee.
Any gross negligence or the willful mismanagement of personal information, will be considered a serious form of misconduct for which CapeSoft Eco Time may summarily dismiss the employee. Disciplinary procedures will commence where there is sufficient evidence to support an employee's gross negligence.
Examples of immediate actions that may be taken subsequent to an investigation include:
A recommendation to commence with disciplinary action.
A referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies for criminal investigation.
Recovery of funds and assets in order to limit any prejudice or damages caused.
Where a POPIA complaint or a POPIA infringement investigation has been finalised, CapeSoft Eco Time may recommend any appropriate administrative, legal and/or disciplinary action to be taken against any employee reasonably suspected of being implicated in any non-compliant activity outlined within this policy.
In the case of ignorance or minor negligence, CapeSoft Eco Time will undertake to provide further awareness training to the employee.
Any gross negligence or the willful mismanagement of personal information, will be considered a serious form of misconduct for which CapeSoft Eco Time may summarily dismiss the employee. Disciplinary procedures will commence where there is sufficient evidence to support an employee's gross negligence.